Thursday, March 30, 2017


BANANA QUE --is a favorite home made merienda or breakfast food in our family, made from fried saba bananas, then cooked in brown sugar or panocha. Banana que is one of the ways to cook saba aside from turon, minatamis na saging, inihaw or nilaga.

Saba, also known as 'cardaba' was brought to the Philippine shore by our Malay ancestors some five thousand years ago. The word 'pisang' is a Malay word that refers to this variety of bananas that was one of the Malay staple food along with rice and other fruits and vegetable. It was a traditional Malay energy food.

Saba is rich in potassium that helps the circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. If you are trying to quit smoking, just eat plenty of saba. The B vitamins and other minerals reduce the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

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