Dragon fruit - - My husband brought home a bunch of dragon fruits one day. They're all over the bangketas (sidewalks) selling quite cheaply. So that evening we all enjoyed eating fresh, plump, juicy dragon fruit in beautiful dark red color.
Dragon fruit though, is also available in yellow skin with white flesh or red skin with white flesh or red skin with pink or red flesh. Aside from being tasty and refreshing, it contains a lot of water and important minerals with nutritional ingredients.
I always thought dragon fruit is from China because I associate dragons with China or Chinese culture.
Chinese dragon festival
Chinese dragon, also known as long or lung, are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore and Chinese culture in general. The dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it in East Asian culture.
And so that’s what I thought dragon fruit is,
something named after the legendary Chinese dragon. Until I wrote this article and made a few
researches on this fruit. And I was surprised to find that it’s not from China
at all! Nor anywhere near China, although it is now cultivated in Southeast
Asia, the Caribbean, Australia and other tropical regions.
Dragon fruit is native to regions including Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador and northern South America. And I thought, ha! pati rin pala dragon fruit galing rin ng Mexico! Knowing that practically all our favorite Filipino fruits historically come from Mexico. I have written and still am writing many articles giving thanks to ancient Mexican culture for giving us many wonderful food crops like guava, pineapple, papaya, avocado, kasuy, atis, anonas, guyabano, camachile, sinegwelas, chico, caimito and cacao.
We have our mais, achuete, sayote, mani, singkamas and camote. They all came from Mexico too. And now here comes the dragon
Dragon fruit - - super food from Mexico
fruit. Anyway,
again I’m so glad and thankful for this
‘super food’ from Mexico, as this fruit is sometimes called.
It is rich in antioxidants helpful in preventing gout and other forms of arthritis. It produces pancreatic cells that produces insulin, therefore good in controlling diabetes. It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, copper and zinc.
Eating dragon fruit enhances digestion, enhances healthful bacteria in the stomach and intestines. It helps control the growth of cancer cells. It helps lower blood cholesterol. The small seeds contain fatty acids including Omega 3 and Omega 9 as well as natural oils. All of these are good for the heart.
Cactus plant
Dragon fruit, also called pitaya or pitahaya, is the fruit of the cactus plant. It’s texture is sometimes compared to the kiwi fruit because of its black, crunchy seeds.
Dragon fruit has leather-slike skin and scaly spikes
The English name ‘dragon fruit’ is a name used since 1963, apparently because of its leather-like skin and prominent scaly spikes on the fruit exterior. The Spanish names ‘pitaya’ and ‘pitahaya’ comes from Mexico. And the name ‘pitaya roja’ comes from Central America and northern South America, referring to the name of the tall cactus plant with flowering fruit. Dragon fruit is also sometimes known as strawberry pear.
There are different ways to prepare and enjoy this wonderful, nutritious fruit.
Slice and scoop
For instance, you can simply slice it, scoop out the flesh and eat it.
Cut in cubes
Or cut into cubes and serve cold.
Smoothie or sorbet
You can make dragon fruit smoothie or sorbet. Dragon fruit has a creamy flesh that tastes delicious with a creamy base such as yoghurt or kefir, milk, soymilk or nut milk. Mix with bananas, apples, fresh blueberries or strawberries and sugar. Blend and chill.
To make a
sorbet, just pour the mixture into a freezing tray and freeze.
Tropical fruit salad
Mix with bananas, mangoes, peaches, kiwi (if
available) or other local fruits na babagay dito to make a tropical
fruit salad.
Mix with salad vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, fresh frozen peas or cheese. Serve with a salad dressing or vinaigrette.
Combine with strawberry and blend together to make strawberry and dragon fruit juice.
So If you see dragon fruit around, try to have some. Remember, it's nutritionally a very valuable food source.
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